What is Depression?
I believe that depression is UNDERDIAGNOSED AND UNAcknowledged as a problem.
Yet, depression causes people to be less effective parents, less effective workers, to take food, illegal drugs or alcohol to try to self-treat it. Depression causes people to not take care of their health.
There are numerous types of depression - they vary in severity, and how difficult they are to treat. Depression should be diagnosed carefully and thoroughly, because some symptoms of depression are also symptoms of other psychological and/or medical problems. There are also Bipolar Disorders, where there is a history of a manic or hypomanic (less severe mania) episodes, as well as periods of depression.
Learn to Recognize the Symptoms (Click Here)
If you see yourself or a loved one in the symptom list, I want you to know that things do not have to be this way. Get some help, so that you can enjoy life, and have the energy to cope with your diabetes.
"But life does have sad things in it."
Yes, but not everyone operates from a position of depression. If you are not so depressed, you are left in a better position to cope with the sad parts of life. You will be able to fulfill the things you are good in – love, raising children, your work, art, prayer
Learn about Treatment for Depression [Click Here]
Do Diabetes and Depression Go Together? [Click Here]
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